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REAL TALK celebrates and energizes the multidimensional woman you are. A place of inspiration, excitement, and support, we seek out those who embrace themselves to the fullest; we tell that story authentically and in an undisputedly real way (no filters applied).

Caroline Vreeland elegantly removed the cork from a bottle of wine while in Florida, as her voice was as smooth and velvety as the red flowing into her glass. Leaning into the camera, skin glowing, you can’t help but notice that she’s a natural in front of a crowd.“ I started working on music when I was eight years old and really wanted to make a name for myself”, she proclaimed. Expressing her love for music, Vreeland emphasized that “I’m not an influencer, I don’t want to be considered that, I’m a musician.” She moved freely around the room, stopping to give her new hubby (and fellow Montrealer) some screen time for the viewers.
Softly shifting through her life events, Vreeland shed light on her humble beginnings and having to work hard to get where she is today. She didn’t just land front and center at fashion shows: “if you don’t have anything to strive for, it’s harder to create something of worth”, she declared. As Chloe and Caroline’s time together seemed to flew by, the two chatted about self-confidence and embracing their bodies. “I do find flaws and imperfections sexy because I’m not turned on by a perfect picture”, Vreeland explained about the ideals of perfection. The questions poured in during the LIVE, from singing requests to asking about her favourite pasta.…and just before the convo wrapped up, she gave us a quick sneak peek of her soon-to-be-released song, “Florida”.