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Claire Rosinkranz
Join us for our SOUND ON show with Claire Rosinkranz. Watch her exclusive performance and interview with us.

Q. Can you give us a quick introduction of yourself?
A. Hi I’m Claire and I make music with my dad!
Q. What did your journey to becoming a musician look like?
A. My fam is 100% the reason I got into music. My dad was a composer and producer ever since I was little; my mom would sing and play piano; my grandma on my dad's side was an opera singer; and my grandma on my mom’s side was a children’s singer songwriter. After that I think it was kinda bound for me to want to do my own thing with music. My fam has always encouraged me to embrace creativity as well my passion for music.
Q. I remember reading that your song “BeVerly Hills BoYfRiEnd” was inspired by your opera singer grandmother who would tour Europe and thinking how iconic she sounded. Did she inspire you to pursue music, and especially as a woman, did she have any advice for you going into the music industry?
A. She has definitely helped spark my passion for music. She has gone on rants about her past in the bizz which always inspires me, but she gives less advice and more encouragement. She is always telling me to soak in the gifts that I have been given and how there is no doubt in her mind that I will become a “superstar” with my work ethic and my “beautiful poetry”.
Q. How has it been to be a young woman in the music industry? Do you feel there are certain experiences, pressures, or hardships unique to female artists? If so, how do you cope with that?
A. I don’t really think I’ve felt any specific pressures from being a woman in the music industry. I’ve always had a very one-track mind though so I don’t usually let the opinions of others get in the way of the art that I want to create and share. I don’t really know though, maybe I haven’t been in the industry long enough to experience that kinda hardship yet.

Q. Our followers ask, “What gets you going when writing music?” Where do you get your inspiration from, and what does that process look like, especially since you write with your dad?
A. I draw inspiration from anything I can. I’ll write about my feelings, emotions, things I’ve experienced, things I want to experience; I’ll write from different people’s perspectives or about different characters. Really anything. I just think it’s so cool that you can create feelings, emotions and bring people into different worlds and spaces if you put the words together right.
Q. Our followers are very curious about “Backyard Boy”; can you tell us a little bit more about it? I remember hearing it every day on TikTok especially and just loving the energy and lyrics of the song. What is the story behind it, and what did its success mean to you?
A. Backyard Boy didn’t really come together in any special way. I was on the floor in my room beatboxing the beat I had in my head and then I started singing random lyrics into the air. After that, it only took about a week to record and I didn’t even think it was the best song off the EP haha. I still love it though and am thankful for everything it did for me.
Q. How would you describe your style? Who would you say is your style icon?
A. Honestly my style is ALWAYS changing. I can’t really pick an aesthetic so it kinda just depends on the day. I really love thrifting though and I like simple, comfy clothes.

Q. How do you practice self-love?
A. I really enjoy my alone time so I just have to make sure I’m getting enough time to myself. Often times, I’ll drive to the beach, listen to music, write, make food… whatever I feel like doing, I just do it.
Q. Based on your own experience in the music industry and in life so far, what advice would you give to your younger self?
A. My best advice to myself is to know that it’ll never be completely comfortable to put yourself out there. It may get easier but it can still be scary to give such personal things out to the world. And although it’s a little nerve-racking sometimes you just have to do it because it WILL pay off.
Q. What’s something you love about yourself that you would never want to change?
A. I LOVE that I know how to put how I feel and the things in my brain down on paper. I would be so sad if I lost my ability to write.
Q. What is next for Claire Rosinkranz?
A. After the EP I have a tour planned for November but other than that, I’ll just be working on more music and hopefully eventually an album.